
Wen Binance

Launch Date
26 June, 2021
Market Cap
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"WEN BINANCE" is Community coin based on big Crypto meme. "WEN BINANCE" is built on Binance smart chain.

Launching on 01/06/2021 on pancakeswap directly. Join quick to get the early 100x moonshot... ????

At each transaction two function executes 5% auto LP & 5% Reflection

Complete Fair launch, verified contract, No Developers wallet, Liquidity lock for one year, 10% supply Burn after PCS listing.

"Wen Binance" is not just a question anymore, it's just a matter of time... Guys, get onboard

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Chain: bsc Binance Smart Chain
Contract Address:
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"WEN BINANCE" is Community coin based on big Crypto meme. "WEN BINANCE" is built on Binance smart chain.

Launching on 01/06/2021 on pancakeswap directly. Join quick to get the early 100x moonshot... ????

At each transaction two function executes 5% auto LP & 5% Reflection

Complete Fair launch, verified contract, No Developers wallet, Liquidity lock for one year, 10% supply Burn after PCS listing.

"Wen Binance" is not just a question anymore, it's just a matter of time... Guys, get onboard
