???? ShibaEXPRESS ???? ShibaExpress is focused on creating a strong community of long-term holders and allowing the ability for natural growth to occur while they check things off their to do list. The value has regularly been increasing by a minimum of 150% accompanied by slight decline and a higher low. ⭐️ 6% liquidity pool ⭐️ 3% redistributed to holders ⭐️ 2% marketing/development tax ⭐️ Slippage: 12%
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???? ShibaEXPRESS ???? ShibaExpress is focused on creating a strong community of long-term holders and allowing the ability for natural growth to occur while they check things off their to do list. The value has regularly been increasing by a minimum of 150% accompanied by slight decline and a higher low. ⭐️ 6% liquidity pool ⭐️ 3% redistributed to holders ⭐️ 2% marketing/development tax ⭐️ Slippage: 12%