Moon Akita ($MAKA) risen from the dead- the next 1000x gem | Community revival BSc token | 10% tokenomics (5% to liquidity pool, 2% reflections, 3% permaburned) | 7 months old, 700 holders | $52k MC, Contract fully renounced, Liquidity pool locked permanently| Whitepaper, Roadmap, No whales.
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Moon Akita ($MAKA) risen from the dead- the next 1000x gem | Community revival BSc token | 10% tokenomics (5% to liquidity pool, 2% reflections, 3% permaburned) | 7 months old, 700 holders | $52k MC, Contract fully renounced, Liquidity pool locked permanently| Whitepaper, Roadmap, No whales.