LastDoge's objective is to become the last "DOGE" standing on the long run. LastDoge is a yield-generating contract on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC): you get rewarded in BNB.15% of every transaction is split in two: - 10% BNB is redistributed to holders - 5% is used to fuel the liquidity pool exchange growth No claim or any other action is needed to claim the BNB rewards.
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LastDoge's objective is to become the last "DOGE" standing on the long run. LastDoge is a yield-generating contract on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC): you get rewarded in BNB.15% of every transaction is split in two: - 10% BNB is redistributed to holders - 5% is used to fuel the liquidity pool exchange growth No claim or any other action is needed to claim the BNB rewards.