

Launch Date
05 November, 2021
Market Cap
24H Vote
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What is GemBNB? GemBNB is the next evolution of a yield-generating contract on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC): you get rewarded in BNB instead of tokens. The token contract employs a static reward system — 14% of every transaction is split in two: 📍 10% BNB is redistributed to holders 📍 2% is used to fuel the liquidity pool exchange growth 📍 2% is allocated to the marketing fund Classic redistribution ‍This is a concept that was popularized by Safemoon. The mechanism incentivizes token holders to hold in order to earn dividends from the transactions (buys and sells). Redistribution is based on percentage (in the contract), current token balance and number of holders. 💫 TOTAL SUPPLY : 1,000,000,000,000 🌟 TEAM / PARTNER Allocation: (5%) - Locked 6 months minimum 🥞 TOKENS FOR PANCAKE LISTING : 950,000,000,000 (95%) 🔒 Liquidity Locked: 100% – Unlock Date : 12 months minimum 🦾Contract - 0x4E082289ccdE10d669DFB1e68D58bfFe9F9A317B ‼️We are launching at 4th November 2PM UTC‼️

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Chain: bsc Binance Smart Chain
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What is GemBNB? GemBNB is the next evolution of a yield-generating contract on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC): you get rewarded in BNB instead of tokens. The token contract employs a static reward system — 14% of every transaction is split in two: 📍 10% BNB is redistributed to holders 📍 2% is used to fuel the liquidity pool exchange growth 📍 2% is allocated to the marketing fund Classic redistribution ‍This is a concept that was popularized by Safemoon. The mechanism incentivizes token holders to hold in order to earn dividends from the transactions (buys and sells). Redistribution is based on percentage (in the contract), current token balance and number of holders. 💫 TOTAL SUPPLY : 1,000,000,000,000 🌟 TEAM / PARTNER Allocation: (5%) - Locked 6 months minimum 🥞 TOKENS FOR PANCAKE LISTING : 950,000,000,000 (95%) 🔒 Liquidity Locked: 100% – Unlock Date : 12 months minimum 🦾Contract - 0x4E082289ccdE10d669DFB1e68D58bfFe9F9A317B ‼️We are launching at 4th November 2PM UTC‼️
