

Launch Date
01 August, 2021
Market Cap
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$ETHERDOGE - Earn Ethereum every 60 minutes for HODLing!

$EtherDoge is a token that rewards HODLers with Ethereum. In a Binance Smart Chain first, a handful of ETH reflections that are sent to the marketing wallet will be donated to charity, decided by the community.

Tokenomics is entirely flexible and community-driven. When deemed necessary, we'll hold a poll on whether we should change or keep our tax level. This helps balance out the rewards for everyone.

The developer has previously modded for Bogged Finance (BOG), so you'd be in for a life-changing opportunity! Our whitepaper has been released, detailing what exactly we plan for EtherDoge; and the utility side of things.

Anti Sniper / Anti Bot measures taken at launch, guaranteed. Assisted by the quickest sniper coders on the BSC.

Doxxed developer before launch.

💵 Tokenomics (13% tax):

6% reflected back to holders as Ethereum

4.5% added to Liquidity Pool

2.5% to Dev / Marketing

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$ETHERDOGE - Earn Ethereum every 60 minutes for HODLing!

$EtherDoge is a token that rewards HODLers with Ethereum. In a Binance Smart Chain first, a handful of ETH reflections that are sent to the marketing wallet will be donated to charity, decided by the community.

Tokenomics is entirely flexible and community-driven. When deemed necessary, we'll hold a poll on whether we should change or keep our tax level. This helps balance out the rewards for everyone.

The developer has previously modded for Bogged Finance (BOG), so you'd be in for a life-changing opportunity! Our whitepaper has been released, detailing what exactly we plan for EtherDoge; and the utility side of things.

Anti Sniper / Anti Bot measures taken at launch, guaranteed. Assisted by the quickest sniper coders on the BSC.

Doxxed developer before launch.

💵 Tokenomics (13% tax):

6% reflected back to holders as Ethereum

4.5% added to Liquidity Pool

2.5% to Dev / Marketing
