BeSelfless is a Charity Token on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). There is a 10% Fee on every transaction (4% back to all Holders, 3% back to liquidity and 3% to our marketing and charity wallet). All liquidity Tokens are locked! We want to show that it is possible to do something good for Charities but also to „HODL“ your tokens and get a passive income. You are also doing something good while buying or selling.
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BeSelfless is a Charity Token on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). There is a 10% Fee on every transaction (4% back to all Holders, 3% back to liquidity and 3% to our marketing and charity wallet). All liquidity Tokens are locked! We want to show that it is possible to do something good for Charities but also to „HODL“ your tokens and get a passive income. You are also doing something good while buying or selling.